Welcome to the Somerset County Schools Football Association website.
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Cup competitions 2023-24
Entry for the season 2023-24 has now closed.
Cup Finals 2023 winners!
Congratualtions to all our winners, the level of competitive football was great to see! Enjoy your summer break and we hope to see you all back competiting next season.
A massive cogratualtions to Pensford Primary school for winning the South West regional and will therefore be going to the Nationals held in Leicester in June! Good luck!
Congratualtions to our U11 2023 school winners
Portishead Primary - Large School winner
Pensford Primary - Small School winner
Yeo Moor Primary - Girls winner
Play Safe
The 20-21st November is the start of the FA Play Safe campaign which the whole of football are coming together to focus on the vital importance of safegaurding in football. To find out more of the campaign please follow this link here.
Doing nothing is not an option! Safeguarding is EVERYONES responsiblity!
5 ways to report a concern
- To your designated safeguarding officer at school
- To our SCSFA SFA safeguarding officer Mo Hopkins (HOPKINSM@btc.ac.uk) or SFA Shirley Needham Shirley.Needham@somersetfa.com )
- To the FA safeguarding team at safeguarding@TheFA.com
- If urgent and you cannot contact above please contact the NSPCC helpline for expert advice and support on 0808 800 5000 or help@nspcc.org.uk
- If it is an EMERGANCY and a child/children is at immediate risk the call the Police
To find out what you can do to ensure football is safe please visit www.thefa.com/PlaySafe
See the latest news and info from the FA on HEADING in youth/schools football at: https://schoolsfootball.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/youth-heading-guidance-chart.pdf
Archive news
CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR NATIONAL CHAMPIONS 2019-20..... our U16 Girls rep team who beat Dorset 3-1 in the ESFA National cup semi final, have been declared Joint winners with Lancashire due to it not being possible to play the final. Welldone to all players and coaching staff.
Congratulations to our boys U16 rep team who completed their 2018-19 South-West league fixtures with a 100% win record to become Champions. Congratulations to all players and coaching staff.
Girls National Final 2016, Somerset U16 Girls 1 - 2 Staffordshire U16 Girls (Stream the game here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kdxHs0h7Rd0&ab_channel=ESFATV) (forward the video to 'our' game)
Use of 3G artificial pitches
Are you playing on a registered pitch? You need to be! Find out whether your pitch is registered by following the link http://3g.thefa.me.uk/?countyfa=Somerset. If you have or will be playing on a 3G pitch make sure its registered!
Please read the FA guidance 'here' on 3G pitches.